Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why I think 'Autism Speaks' is a sick joke that no one should find funny...

I just read the editorial that made John Elder Robison decide to resign from his position with Autism Speaks. I don't blame him. The author portrays all autistics as being low-functioning and helpless. That is both patronizing and insulting, not to mention completely false. It's also why I think of that organization as a fraud and more of a hindrance to the neurologically different than an asset.

Also, I disagree with the notion of a 'national plan.' Educational programs should NEVER be decided by the Federal government. They have no Constitutional authority to do so and, as the No Child Left Behind Act proved, 'one-size-fits-all' solutions in that area just don't work. Different states have different needs from their educational systems.

For example, Michigan has a great need for auto shop classes since that is the home of the American auto industry. Oregon however, would not need quite as much in that area. My home state of Louisiana has a need for Earth Sciences and Agriculture because of our export crops (Sugar Cane, Soybeans, et al.) and the booming oil industry. New Jersey however, would not.

That is why the 10th Amendment specifically says that any power/responsibility NOT given to the Federal Government by the Constitution will automatically go to the States and the People. (In Constitutional language, 'the People' refers to local governments like City Hall, the County Seat, Parish Council, etc.)

I don't know anything about the lady that runs Autism Speaks (except that she obviously doesn't speak for me or anyone else on this 'Autism Spectrum' the Shrinks invented) but, she sounds like a Democrat to me. Advocating for National solutions that violate Constitutional law, using that overly emotional and logically fallacious 'It's for the children!' argument... Yeah, that sounds like a modern day Democrat alright. Lousy Statist...

When will those people learn that ANYONE with sense, including those of us on this 'Spectrum', do NOT want the Feds CONSTANTLY sticking their nose in our business? The only thing I really want from the Feds and people like her is to be left alone.

- Lord Publius

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