Monday, August 19, 2019

I'll be back soon...

TO: My readers (including at least one known hater)...
RE: Lord Publius
SUBJECT: The self-imposed radio silence over the last 3 months...

Dear readers/victims (You know who you are),

Wondering why I haven't posted anything in 3 months? Well, it's not because I had dirt on Hitlary Clinton and needed to go into hiding for my safety. Honest. ;)

The faces of EVIL...

If I had any kind of dirt on her, I wouldn't need to hide. I would hand it over to the appropriate authorities anonymously and enjoy the schadenfreude. I like working from behind the scenes.

Hold on to that hope, Brothers and Sisters!!!

Truth be told, I was just enjoying my summer vacation. However, that's over now. I'll be back VERY soon with a rather explosive new shitpost of a blog. It will be the most impressive piece I've done since the classic '17 reasons why I left the Army' post in 2014. Although, this time there will be a LOT less vitriol. However, I will give you a hint on what's coming up next...

Aw, snap...

Stay tuned.

Kindest regards,

Lord Publius