Saturday, February 1, 2014

Penn Jillette: Mistrust of Government Is a Beautiful Thing

In this video, Penn Jillette of the magician duo Penn & Teller explains...

1.) Why Government should NEVER be trusted...
2.) What exactly Libertarianism is...
3.) Why it's not fair to label someone as Evil 99% of the time, including politicians you disagree with...

I've been *quite* guilty of calling politicians evil, both as a whole group and certain particular individuals. I've done it many times in this blog and it will probably happen many more times. However, what I think I haven't made very clear is that I don't believe many of these politicians (or 'politickin' pezzonovante' as I normally call them) started out as evil. It seems to me that many of them get seduced by the Dark Side (i.e. drunk with power) or wrapped up in party politics. And that is also why I fully support term limits for EVERY kind of elected office.

Furthermore. I have  never believed that anyone elected to be President of the United States ever wakes up in the morning and says 'How can I fuck over the American People today?' An asshole like that would be easy to spot, no matter how much the media tried to make him look like a golden Greek god with their spin machines. The problem is that these people are all Human and like any of us, will make mistakes. And when you are the Leader of the Free World and responsible for the well-being of millions, you will invariably screw up somewhere along the line.

All that being said, I don't like President Obama even talking about executive orders, let alone signing so many of them. In my view, that is NOT Constitutional. It also seems to undermine the checks and balances that are designed to keep any one branch of government from dominating the others. I don't care if he hates the GOP with every fiber of his being, he was elected to work with them. If he can't do that, then he needs to find another line of work. The same goes for any Republican President who might hate Democrats.

- Lord Publius

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