Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why I reject both Liberalism and Conservatism

I came across an editorial on the Libertarian Republic recently, describing the author's reasons for rejecting Liberalism and Conservatism. Various niggling grammar mistakes aside (mostly run-on sentences), he did make good points. Both sides in that struggle have lost sight about what this Constitutional Republic we call the United States of America was intended to be by its Founders. They are also both out of touch with the People's needs, their wishes and probably reality too.

Here's a link to the original article:

And here is my response/colorful commentary laced with HEAVY sarcasm to various passages that caught my eye...

"As a modern libertarian, I must agree with Hayek and concede that conservatism today is still lacking in its belief in free markets, indeed in the very idea of freedom itself. The conservative claims to favor free markets, but will still champion farm bills and subsidies that result in the passage of welfare in the form of food stamps."

Farm subsidies and food stamps are both Bullshit.

If you want to help farmers, tell them to plant crops that actually sell on the market. You will make MUCH more growing lettuce for salads than you would with Brussels sprouts.

If you want to feed starving people, support your local non-government charities and soup kitchens. Leave the government OUT of the equation. Uncle Sam is NOT doing anything to help them. He's been making their lot in life much worse ever since these farm bills were first passed in the 1930's.

Better yet, if he insists on using my tax dollars to keep farms in business (Which the lousy bastard definitely should NOT be doing anyway), tell Uncle Sam to take the food he buys to artificially inflate market prices and use it to supply food banks and soup kitchens. Even if that doesn't eliminate the problem of people going hungry, it does at least alleviate SOME unnecessary Human suffering...

"And Hayek was also correct in the fondness of modern conservatives for authority. It underlies everything, from their willingness to defend the NSA’s spying, to their desire to police the world and in their defense of local police forces when they abuse the civil liberties of Americans on a daily basis. Conservatives desire order over freedom. Freedom is only secondary to their desire to shape the world around them according to their own subjective preferences. Libertarians are not afraid to allow creative chaos into the world, because underlying libertarianism is the belief in the inherent goodness in man. To be a conservative is to believe that man is inherently fallen, and must be reformed."

Yet another example of gubmint people in their ivory towers just casually assuming that We The People are somehow too stupid to even wipe our own ass without their help... Smug, cock-sucking bastards...

That would also explain why so many of these so-called Conservatives are all (supposedly) devout Christians. They get this 'inherently fallen' crap from the story in Genesis about Original Sin. They don't realize that all those crazy Old Testament stories were allegorical tales the Jews made up to explain what was (at the time) unexplainable. Some people really should learn to take an objective look at the history of their own professed faith traditions...

"Living in America today is to live in a nation that is bound together by traditions of classical liberalism. America is liberal in the sense that, unlike some nations, our women do not fear legal retribution for appearing in public without a veil, and unlike in Russia, our homosexuals do not have to fear violent mobs."

Try telling that to the Homosexuals that are constantly harassed, assaulted or dehumanized in any other way. There may not be any laws banning Homosexuality in this country anymore* but, that doesn't mean they aren't still mistreated. Prejudice, like any other form hatred based on ignorance, is a global phenomenon.

(* = There are some Anti-Sodomy laws still on the books in a few states but, those are now unenforceable. The SCOTUS ruled them Unconstitutional in a 6-3 decision circa 2004.)

"The ability to invest one’s capital as one sees fit is an important component of the total package that is liberty. Progressivism today seeks to capture the wealth of the individual, and demand that it serve subjectively defined collective good. For instance, Obamacare. While it may seem objectively that public health is an issue of critical importance, and it is, the modern progressive today does not realize that economics is about the allocation of scarce resources. Health care is not a limitless resource. The amount of time and energy that doctors and nurses can spend treating patients is finite, even if the amount of prescriptions that could be written were enough to satisfy every disease known to man. There simply are not enough minutes in a day and doctors available to treat every single human being in need. This is why a price system is important and must be used in order to allocate scarce resources."

Sad but true. There aren't enough Doctors to go around. It's a rough job that not many people can do. The schooling, malpractice insurance and stress is also enough to make many Doctors (or those thinking of going into Medicine) to choose other occupations instead. There is much room for improvement in ANY healthcare system but, putting it in the Government's hands is akin to deliberately shooting yourself in the foot. No good will come of that decision. After all, have you ever known the Federal Government to get something right without many years (and many billions of wasted Dollars) of trail and error?

It's bad enough when Soldiers and NASA Astronauts die because of Uncle Sam being an idiot. We shouldn't be forcing that on John Q. Public too. There are times when doing something will alway be the wrong thing and doing nothing is the only viable/ethical course of action. Government's relationship to healthcare is one of them.

Thank God that having VA healthcare benefits will exempt me from Obamacare after I return to civilian life... Not that I'm expecting the VA to be much better. That system is extremely overwhelmed...

"Palmer related to me an inherent contradiction contained within the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. In it, there is a definitive statement that all humans have a right to healthcare. And in another passage, it claims that every human has a right to leisure time. The contradiction is laid bare when one consider the fact that if a doctor has a right to time off, then how can a patient demand they be treated at the same time? The doctor’s right to leisure is in conflict with the right of the patient to be healed. These are not rights, so much as incoherent demands. Modern liberals seek to institute laws that put humans in positions to which they cannot obey, and then punishes them for not obeying."

Palmer refers to Tom Palmer of the CATO Institute. I have never seen the documents that (supposedly) lay out how the U.N. is supposed to run. I never had a need to do so because that is not a real government body and it has no real authority whatsoever. Any one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council (The USA, UK, France, Russia and China) can veto an action and prevent the U.N. from taking any action on any issue. The organization is a farce and a colossal waste of our time and tax dollars. To my knowledge,  it doesn't even do a good job of serving it's intended purpose: providing a place for ambassadors to meet and address international issues. When was the last time that the U.N. actually prevented a war? Does anyone know?

Furthermore, the U.N. Charter is NOT the Rule of Law in this beloved Republic. That honor and glory goes to the United States Constitution. Beyond what is specifically codified in the Bill of Rights (that's the first 10 Constitutional Amendments for those of you who slept through Social Studies class), you are not entitled to ANYTHING as far as the government is concerned. You are responsible for your own life and happiness. No government can ever guarantee you these things since only you can determine what constitutes happiness for you as an individual. So, quit burdening the taxpayer by trying to get Uncle Sam to wipe your ass from Cradle to Grave and go out and work for what you want, you fucking hippie piece of shit! I, the American Taxpayer (or, should I say 'victim of theft on the part of Uncle Sam's shakedown crew known as 'the IRS'), am tired of supporting your lazy ass.

"Another reason to reject modern liberalism is its push for material egalitarianism. They push economic fallacies such as the idea of a gender wage gap, which has been thoroughly debunked and lies on the assumption that both genders want the same things, or at least they should want the same things. Liberals decry the inequality of wealth in the world, while ignoring the fact that modern capitalism has provided for even the poor to have greater wealth than at any point in history."

First of all, if your employer pays you less for the same work as a co-worker just because of your gender, you need to find a new employer. That guy is a sexist asshole. Second, why would anyone want to pay someone less just because that person is a woman? That has never made sense to me.

Second, 'material egalitarianism' sounds like another way of saying 'communism' to me. It might also mean that Left-wingers think that everyone should have the same things I do. If a person is willing to work for them, I have no objection to someone owning a house, a vehicle or large collections of books, records, video games, et al. I have no problem with them having more than me, if they gained it through their own means and industry. However, I am not paying for an increase in their living standards through taxation. That is not going to bring them up but, ti will bring everyone else down. Being equal should not also mean 'equally poor.'

When the Founders talked about Equality, the did not refer to material possessions or money. They referred to everyone being treated equally under the law. That is what should be you primary focus, not ensuring everyone has the same things as me. Not all of my things are really that great anyway. Who actually wants a house they have to rent out to afford the mortgage or a 13 year old pickup truck with shitty gas mileage?

"Liberal hypocrisy on material equality extends further into their misguided quest to raise the minimum wage, a token gesture which has only certain beneficiaries, namely those who are already employed. Those who suffer are those who do not have a voice in the debate, the unskilled who are priced out of the marketplace due to an employers unwillingness to take a risk on someone who may not be able to provide enough value to compensate for the governments demand on their wages."

Ah, the minimum wage debate... What complete HORSESHIT. The idea of a government-mandated minimum wage is in and of itself a form of economy-destroying SOCIALISM. Why should I pay you $15 an hour for random, unskilled menial labor? Many skilled labor jobs don't even make that much.

First of all hippies, flipping burgers at Micky D's is NOT supposed to be your career. It's the job you do after class in the afternoon while you're still in high school. It's only purpose is to help you buy that clunker we all had for a first car and enough gas to get you and your sweetheart to make-out point. If you are still flipping burgers by the time you should have graduated from college, you have screwed up somewhere and need to re-evaluate your life/career goals.

Second, this bad idea is based on the notion that society owes you a life. It doesn't. It never will. You are expected to take care of yourself. End of Discussion.

Finally, $15/hour minimum wage = unemployment for all of you. If you think Micky D's is NOT going to replace you with a robotic system that prepares the burgers with little or no Human involvement, you are wrong. I'd venture to guess that it hasn't happened yet just because it would cost them too much. However, if minimum wage is $15/hour, you can bet someone will make it affordable enough for Micky D's to implement that large-scale solution... and for the designers to get rich overnight at your expense. (Note to self: Invent robotic fast food assembly line to replace idiots who CONSTANTLY screw up everyone's order at Micky D's.)

"As a libertarian, I declare my individual right to self-ownership, and this right is not in conflict with any other individual person’s rights. I trust that humans are good, and they also deserve to own themselves and to do as they wish, provided that they harm no one else. For this, and for many other reasons, I reject both conservatism and liberalism."

That just about sums it all up for me... That sounds just like what the Founders wanted too. As a general rule, most people are good. You don't get too many truly rotten Mother Fuckers like Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao or Pol Pot in the world. However, you are more likely to end up under the heel of one if you engage in in this modern Socialist crap that calls itself 'Liberalism' or what Republicans call 'Conservativism.' Remember, it's always someone who gets people pissed off about something and then promises to 'get the trains running on time' if you give him the power. And no matter how much power he or she is given, it's never enough...

Both of those groups just don't get it AT ALL. Social problems are just that: Social. They are problems that society must deal with, not government, religion or any group who thinks they are wise enough to determine the best course of action for another individual. No one knows your problems better than YOU. You are better off solving them yourself.

Government's only true purpose is to protect your inherent and unalienable God-given Rights as codified in the United States Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. ANY action government takes that is not related to that purpose is an example of disruptive and unnecessary intrusion into the lives of the citizenry. It may not involve rounding up Jews in a death camp but, it is still no less of a TYRANNY. It must be resisted and harshly rebuked.

Remember, Government may be a necessary evil but, it is still VERY EVIL.

- Lord Publius

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