Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Borg Documentary - Part 2

To those who say that Voyager somehow 'pussified' the Borg, I suggest you watch those episodes again. Voyager's crew had to do some pretty crazy things in their interactions with the Hive Mind but, they never treated the Borg as just another group of bad guys. They were as menacing as ever. The problem is that they became too familiar. An enemy/plot device like the Borg works best when they remain as mysterious as they are ominous. Take their one appearance in the prequel series Enterprise, for example. Archer and his crew had no idea what they were facing and that mystery actually made the Borg scary again.

This is also why popular series of slasher flicks tend to become less scary with each new sequel. Hollyweird just insists on making the mistake of trying to explain the killer instead of leaving him as a mysterious and malevolent force. Just imagine how terrifying Freddy Kruger was in the first Nightmare on Elm Street and then compare him to the joker we saw in parts 4-6. Those movies were semi-entertaining but, they weren't scary. That is the wrong answer. And don't even get me started on how badly Hollyweird fucked up the Halloween series...

Anyway, that's enough ranting from a nerd that has dabbled in fan fiction that no one else will ever see. The next blog will be slightly less nerdy and much more relevant to modern-day issues: People's fears over Terrorism, Government using that fear to infringe on civil rights and how people create Folk Devils to give a face to their latest Moral Panic.

- Lord Publius

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