Friday, June 5, 2015

Why men don't want to get married anymore...

The title might be a little misleading for me. I do very much want to be married someday when I find the right woman to be Mrs. Publius. However, it's becoming more and more difficult to find suitable mates. It's not just because I'm in my 30's and every friend of mine (and all their friends that they might have set me up with) seems to be married now. A large part of the problem is that various Left-wing agitators have put some BAD ideas in women's minds.

So, in response to this video above...

1.) Women ruined marriage for us by making it something that could end at ANY time for virtually any reason.

Even worse, we also end up losing our money, house, car and almost any rights/access to our own children. If I wanted to take those kinds of expensive risks on a woman, I'll just go shack up with a 'professional partner' in Las Vegas. It would be a LOT cheaper and probably a lot more fun.

2.) Speaking of kids, we have noticed that a LOT of you already have at least one (if not more) before you're married. That could be a problem...

Some of us may be cool with raising someone else's child, but many of us are not. After all, the point of starting a family is so that we can perpetuate our own legacy, not adopting someone else's child and giving the child our Surname. This doesn't necessarily apply to blended families where both partners in the marriage have children from prior marriages and/or relationships.

3.) Also, the fact that you have one (or more) out of wedlock kids shows us that you are probably VERY irresponsible when it comes to selecting a mate.

Whether you intended to or not, you got played. And if the asshole that dishonored you isn't raising his child or paying child support, then you really got played. A woman who's that foolish might not be desirable as a mate for many varied reasons. Again, this doesn't necessarily apply to blended families where both partners in the marriage have children from prior marriages and/or relationships.

4.) Many of you are not keeping yourselves in shape.

No matter how you try to sell it, I am NOT ever going to be interested in fat chicks. They are NOT healthy and will probably pass bad genetics on to my children. (Assuming that the fat chick is healthy enough to conceive and give birth...) No, this is NOT fat-shaming, it's just the cold, honest truth. How am I going to mate with you if you can't even make my penis erect? Furthermore, why would I want to mate with you if you can't make my penis erect? I know that sounds mean, but would you want someone to lead you on or just tell you the truth right at the start?

And PLEASE don't give me that 'bad genetics' excuse. We both know that's not true with most people. And for those that actually do have serious health problems because of genetics, finding a mate is probably the least of their concerns/priorities.

5.) 'Third Wave' Feminism and the 'Social Justice Warriors' (usually just referred to as Man-haters and/or Militant Lesbians) that perpetuate those bad ideas discussed in the above video also ruined things.

They have gone out of their way to convince women that men were all evil or that you somehow didn't need us. I really wish that more women would reject those fools outright. They didn't do you any favors by telling you that you didn't need a man for any reason at all. You do need us and we need you too. That's part of being a sexually dimorphic species. If it takes a man to create a child, it should also (ideally) take that same man to help raise the child. Being a defiant misandrist is no way to find a good boyfriend or husband. You may find some Beta Male, but you'd never respect him and that relationship will falter and fail. Trust me. Men that don't act like men don't really deserve to procreate, anyway...

- Lord Publius

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