Monday, August 24, 2015

RIDICULOUS Moral Panics in gaming history...

Moral Panics over games are nothing new. They happened long before Anita Sarkeesian started spouting the same BULLSHIT as Jack Thompson, albeit with a Feminazi twist. It's not just restricted to video games, either. For example...

I have never once played any Tabletop RPG and even I know that this is ridiculous...

No wonder that country is in such sorry shape these days. It's run by a bunch of bloomin' idiots...

That Bastard!!! The Mafia should have put out a hit on this guy!!!

So, as you can see, stupid people freaking out over shit they don't understand is pretty much universal and a time-honored tradition among people who might say they believe in Liberty but, really don't. ANYTHING that might disturb their perceived notions of social order scares the piss out of them and they move quickly to demonize and destroy whatever it might be, even if it's just harmless toys and games.

- Lord Publius

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