So, for this 400th post of my blog, we are going to dissect this non-sense and have a very good laugh at the expense of a broad who's somehow not aware of the fact that she's a fool... And probably a THOT... I swear that after reading this crap, I became ever more convinced that 3rd Wave Feminism is just an evil plot by butch lesbians to ruin things between the sexes and increase their chances of getting a date.
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Yet another reason why those Tojo bastards need a 3rd nuclear bombing... ;) |
I want it known from the start that I am not a part of the MGTOW movement or part of the Men's Rights Movement. I never even heard of those two phenomena until about 4 or 5 years ago. I consider the fact that either of them exist to be sad proof that something has gone tragically wrong in our society. So, all of you hookers with bastard kids can go fuck yourself with the idea of somehow associating me with those groups. I don't get involved with ANY groups these days, unless you want to include college, church or the local THOT Patrol.
Also, for you ladies who are divorced with kids from your prior marriage... Not much of anything in this post is likely to apply to you. You did the right thing by having your kids in holy wedlock. I do feel bad for you about your marriage not working out, though.
As usual with these response blogs, the quoted text (grammar mistakes and all) will be italicized and my text will be both regular and grammatically flawless.
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Looks like single moms are also Feminazis... Why am I not surprised? :P |
If you’re dating someone that seems traumatized the first time he sees your toddler throw a tantrum, RUN. Run as fast as you can. This is the type of person that can’t handle your lifestyle. Kids have tantrums. Kids, to say the least, can be little jerks at times. As a matter of fact, so can adults. At least kids have an excuse. They are in the process of learning reasoning and accurate control of their emotions. If a man gets scared off the first time he is exposed to back arching screaming, and body flailing craziness that a toddler can be, he clearly lacks experience in sensible reasonability. If he’s standing there mid tantrum, looking to be in shock and contemplating running for the hills, if he looks frightened or disgusted, well f*** him.
Strong men will recognize that this is a normal stage of a child’s development. They will certainly not hold it against you that your child is being a little stinker. On the contrary, they will do their best to help the situation. Better yet, they won’t let a little tantrum scare them away from the awesome person you are. They may even have a new found respect for you, because after all, anyone who deals with that kind of behaviour on a regular basis is surely to be considered a damn superhero.
Yeah... That kind of bad attitude is NOT going to attract a mate... Maybe it's not the kid that's causing me to be alarmed. Maybe it's the fact that you haven't disciplined the little bastard and taught him NOT to act that way in a public place. If I started throwing a fit as a toddler, my parents would have spanked me. We really shouldn't have moved away from that as a society. Also, you won't have to run away from the guy. Chances are good he already started running away long before you even had the idea come to your deluded mind.
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PICTURED: How fast I am liable to run away from used-up broads with a legion of Hellspawn in tow... |
Weak, insecure men will feel it necessary to achieve the man of the house role so to say. Instead of appreciating you and letting you shine in all the glorious strength you are, their ‘manhood’ will be threatened. After all, you are indeed a force to be reckoned with. You fiercely tackle the responsibilities of home and children by yourself, and yet do so gracefully. One could even say you make it look easy. You are not some damsel in distress that needs this big strong man to come in and fix everything. You got this shit handled by yourself. Weak men need to feel superior to feel strong. A strong man will stand beside you and push you to even greater limits. He will be your biggest supporter.
Is this broad high? Of course the man is going to want to 'assume his role' as man of the house. That's why you wanted him, right? Are you looking for a partner or just the occasional dicking and a source of supplementary income?
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PICTURED: The kind of single mom that would believe this stupid shit... |
Let me be very clear on this point. The ONLY games single moms want to play, is with their children. We don’t have time for bullshit. We don’t have the extra energy required to exert on trying to read between the lines of all your mixed signals. Chances are we have already spent a good chunk of time wasted in a relationship that was wrong for us. In the end, our children were absolutely worth everything of course, but going into something new, we don’t have, nor want, any valid reason to waste our time. We’ve been there, done that. Be real, be an adult or go find someone else to play your mind games with. We are mature adults that deserve honesty, not some high school twit you can mess with.
On this point, we're actually in complete agreement. I hate when women try to play games with my mind too. Also, I don't send out ANY signals, let alone mixed ones. I'm a Sperg. Body language is not exactly my thing, honey. As for other types of games... Well, I do have an entire room in my house filled with video games. I'm sure your (probably illegitimate) crotch-fruit would have loved that too. However, if you're going to insist on being such a cunt, I'll just go find a nerdy chick who doesn't have kids instead.
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PICTURED: The kind of relationship that actually would be ideal for me... Just me and my woman playing Mario Kart in our underwear. Whoever wins gets head first. :P (|) |
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I don't play D&D. However, I would still love the chance to help this gal 'level-up', if ya know what I mean... ;) |
Those cheesy pick up lines that have worked on 90% of your conquests. Throw them out the window. They don’t apply and will simply not work. We can be temporarily swayed by your dashing good lucks and charming persona but ultimately, you can’t fool us. We know a thing or two about seeing through the mask. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with telling us how awesome we are, but don’t kiss ass. It won’t get us in bed any quicker. We won’t be another notch on your belt, unless of course we decide to be. Really, we just want someone to be real with us. We want to enjoy a mature conversation that doesn’t involve topics of potty training, and playgroups. We want to feel like an adult, not just a mom. We don’t need you to put us on a pedastoole. Treat us like you respect us. Treat us like an equal.
I'm going to guess that you meant to write 'pedastal' and neither you or the editor caught that mistake. Either way, I don't use pickup lines. I'm also not interested in random hook-ups. That's a good way to get sick or create another single mother that burdens society by applying for welfare benefits. Also, the fact that those little bastards exist at all is proof positive that the pick up lines actually did work at least once with you. That, or you decided to be 'another notch in the belt one night' and nature took its course. Either way, all you're doing is making yourself sound like a bitter whore with this tripe. Unless you were raped, you chose to have sex with that dude. You knew the risks. Don't get mad at me and the rest of Humanity just because you made poor life choices.
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Something tells me that this article I'm destroying was written by a woman that used to be like the whores in this picture... |
We may not necessarily always know what we want, but one thing is for certain, we know what we don’t want. We don’t want to bring anyone into our lives, or potentially our kid’s lives without thoroughly thinking it through. Our kid’s best interest will always be first. We will put their needs above our own and yours anyday. It should not be a competition; it’s just what makes us amazing moms. Weak men cannot understand this. They feel threatened by our children, like they need to compete for our love. Trust me; moms have an endless supply of love to give. There’s plenty enough to go around. If you make a mom feel as though she’s stuck in the middle between you and her kids, trust me you will be dropped at the blink of an eye.
So, I'm basically just a source of sexual amusement/living dildo and a walking ATM for you. Gotcha...
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Probably one of the few instances where the Vatican & I will be in total agreement with each other... |
6. We aren’t looking for a daddy
Our kids have a dad, we don’t need you to play daddy for them. We don’t go into dating with the expectation that you will become a parent to our children someday. We date for ourselves, not for our children. We don’t need someone to pay our bills, and support our kids. We manage by ourselves. Yes, ultimately we are a package deal and there is no escaping that. In regards to long term, if you are lucky enough to end up with a single mom, it only means that you will someday be a part of something amazing. You will become a part of a family. You will be fostered into a loving dynamic and you will become a role model. But those long term possibilities shouldn’t detour you now. We aren’t thinking of it so you shouldn’t be worrying about.
I have 5 things to say to this talking point...
2.) I am happy to hear that you at least know who the father is, honey. Hope you're getting child support out of that guy because you aren't getting it from me. I'm not a walking ATM.
3.) Don't feed me this bravo sierra about how you don't expect me to be a parent to the kid someday. Don't tell me that you don't need any help managing the finances, either. That is the whole reason why you're looking for a relationship. If all you wanted was to get fucked, you could have continued acting like a THOT. Yes, I am making that assumption. Only a THOT would be deluded enough to actually believe this tripe.
4.) I am not interested in being your daddy. He obviously didn't do a good job raising you. For his sake, I sincerely hope there actually is enough alcohol in the world to help him drown his sorrows and shame.
5.) I don't want to be called Daddy, either. The only two men that a ho like you calls 'Daddy' is her actual father (assuming you know who that is) and your pimp. I am neither of those two people, nor do I wish to be. Simply put...
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Conan the Barbarian is not even remotely interested in dealing with your Bullshit. |
We have enough stress in our lives as it is. We don’t need more from men. We have fought tooth and nail to find a balance in our lives. If you threaten that balance or disturb the peace in our blissful parental lives, it’ll be ‘bye, bye, bye’ for you. We won’t fight over stupid things; we won’t play in to your little tests. We won’t compete with other women. We certainly will not be a booty call for some asshole that can’t figure out what he wants. We have all the patience in the world for our children, and none for jerks. Sorry.
Kind of ironic that you would say this, because this is EXACTLY how I have come to feel about women like you over the last 20 years. All y'all want to do is ride the cock carousel and treat decent men like they were an Untouchable. That mentality is probably how you became a single mom and it's why you'll stay single for the foreseeable future. Do you really think that kind of bad attitude is attractive? Ya know what Bitch, you deserve these next two memes. They were made for people just like you...
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Be gone, THOT!!! |
8. We don’t put out
Hey asshole, this one’s for you. Our bodies have created and inhabited a human being. We have gone through the amazing process of pregnancy and birth. Yes, our bodies may not be as toned as they were before. We may have scars, and stretch marks, battle wounds you could say. We may be a little saggy and a little frumpier then the average childless woman. But you know what… our bodies are a fucking temple. Our bodies gave our children life. We value our bodies and we respect ourselves. We are not an easy lay, as some idiots would believe. If we choose to connect with you in that way, it’s either because a) we’re using you to satisfy our own needs or b) you respect us enough to deserve us. We are in control champ.
This broad really wants to stay single forever. I am all to happy to grant that simple request. Also, human bodies are not a temple. Quit being ridiculous. I don't care if you gave birth or not. If you don't try to keep yourself in shape, you're not going to attract many potential mates. Men go after women in good physical shape because we are biologically programmed to do so. Women in good shape are also likely to be in good health and pass on good genes to our offspring. That's kind of important, honey. Why else would you make sure to get your whore ass into a Yoga class or two at the gym?
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More accurate memes have rarely been made. Many Keks be upon the individual who originally created this image macro. |
Also, the fact that you do have a kid proves that you do put out. Otherwise, how did you end up with that kid? Rape? Incest? Adoption? Raising a child born to a friend or family member that made you the kid's godmother? Immaculate conception?! Inquiring minds want to know!
9. Last but not least. Our children are NOT baggage
Yes, we cannot be as spontaneous as you. Date nights require planning and scheduling. We aren’t available for you whenever you’re little heart decides you want us. We have responsibilities and obligations. Dating a single mom is a much different, more complicated task then average dating. Our lives are complex and someday we may feel like we are missing out on “normal” life. We may feel that heavy ache in our chest when we reminisce on our child free glory days. But NEVER, do we regret our children. NEVER do we feel like they are holding us back. Our children are NOT baggage, and if you give us the impression you think otherwise, you are not remotely worthy of us.
Baggage? No, I would say more like an encumbrance on the emotional real-estate of your heart and soul. Date nights require planning and scheduling with childless women too. They also have responsibilities and obligations. That's part of being an adult. Also, who would ever call a child 'baggage'? Are you absolutely sure that you really love your kids? It sounds like you're harboring a LOT of resentment towards them. That makes me feel a bit worried for the poor kids. 'Parents' who feel that way often end up becoming abusive monsters that psychologically torture and/or kick the shit out of those poor kids...
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Only a Doctor of Memeology like me could ever find a way to make child abuse funny... |
You can reminisce about your child-free days all you want. They are never coming back, unless you get rid of the kids somehow. If that happens, I'll probably think you're a monster or, at the least, extremely irresponsible. As for me not being worthy of you... Yeah, I think you have that backward, you dirty little THOT with a Roastie. You're the one with the limited options here. I have my act together. I don't need someone else to pay my bills. I'm also healthy, own my own car, own my own house and have a bright future ahead of me. You start losing your appeal to men the moment you hit 30. By the time you're 40, chances are good that you're gonna be the neighborhood cat lady. No point in pursuing an old broad that can't help you to procreate anymore... And who has a Roastie... Or a blue waffle... *shudders*
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If I had to guess, I'd say they're probably in a happy marriage with a woman that wanted kids, cooks, cleans, etc. |
The only thing that's missing in my life is a good woman. From what I've read in this little diatribe of yours, it is all too obvious that you are NOT that woman. In fact, it is extremely unlikely that I am ever going to date any single mother. And no, it's not just because of what you wrote or any kind of prejudice on my part. It's because I know the truth. No matter what any of you might say, you are very much looking for someone to help raise these kids and/or cover the bills.
The only way I'd even consider the idea is if that single mom is a divorced woman that has her own money and looks like a super model. And yes, at least one woman like that does exist. Her name is Adriana Lima. You probably know her. You've bought more than a few of the push-up bras she's modeled in the Victoria's Secret catalog over the years... ;)
Adriana keeps herself in shape. She's spiritual. She donates/raises a LOT of money for children's charities. Her kids were conceived and born INSIDE of holy wedlock. (Yes, that is extremely important.) And she is a real sweetheart. I would love to date someone like her, if I got the chance. And no, I am not expecting that to happen. That whole train of thought is an intellectual exercise in hypothetical scenarios that will sadly never come to pass. It's highly unlikely that I am ever going to meet a Supermodel, let alone start dating one. And that is a shame really... I guess she'll never know what she missed... :P
Lord Publius
U.S. Army Veteran
Doctor of Shitposting and Memeology
Destroyer of Worlds
Leader of the NOLA THOT Patrol
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This is probably not what Doomcock would have expected one of his memes to be used for, but I doubt he'd mind... |
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Single Moms that look & act like Adriana Lima have a MUCH easier time attracting a mate. |
Lord Publius
U.S. Army Veteran
Doctor of Shitposting and Memeology
Destroyer of Worlds
Leader of the NOLA THOT Patrol