Sunday, July 14, 2013

Miyamoto-san gives me hope for Gaming's future...

First and foremost, he wants to bring back Metroid. Oh, joy! :)

With Metroid it’s very easy to imagine some interesting implementation for Wii U. I think that having another screen with the gyro built in really gives you a lot of interesting opportunities for development, and we can bring a lot of our games to life in a completely unique way with that. I feel like the possibilities of the GamePad for Metroid could be really fantastic. There’s certainly a lot that you could do there for that game." - Shigeru Miyamoto

There's also some mention of him wanting to bring back Star Fox. If so, I hope the controls are good and that it's a proper flight simulation. Star Fox Command on the DS had controls so terrible that I didn't even want to play past the opening tutorials and first mission. (If even that far...) The Super NES original and the N64 version were great. I happened to enjoy the variations on the formula presented on the GameCube with Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Assault. Star Fox Command, though, just fell flat for me.


Then, there's another article about Metroid, F-Zero (which I dearly miss) and Link's design...


  • A lot of Miyamoto’s Metroid ideas can be found in the Nintendo Land mini-game, Metroid Blast.
  • Miyamoto noted that the Wii U is an HD console with more power and prettier graphics.
  • Nintendo can naturally think about a nice Metroid action game in HD, but nothing is confirmed.
  • Miyamoto had a big smile of someone who won’t say more than this. The tease.

  • Pleased to hear fans are still interested in F-Zero .
  • He feels the series hasn’t changed much since the first. (There is some truth to that...)
  • Miyamoto thought people may start to become tired of the game. (Not true...)
  • Miyamoto thanks the fans for their patience and advises to try playing Captain Falcon’s Twister Race in Nintendo Land.
  • Miyamoto is curious to see what fans would like to see that they haven’t done before.

And about Link's design... (None of which is new to me...)
  • Inspired by Peter Pan
  • Wanted someone to be easily recognized by his sword & shield.
  • Long hat and long ears, almost elf-like.
  • Miyamoto-san is a Disney fan.
  • Triforce was originally intended to be made of electronic chips.
  • The first game was to take place in the past and the future, with the player traveling between the two.
  • Thus came the name 'Link'.

And there you have it, fellow gamers. Shiggy has spoken... in his own way. We will get new Metroid and F-Zero games on WiiU SOMETIME SOON (I hope) and the mini-games in Nintendoland (which is an excellent game) offer clues on what the new games will feature. I need to go back to playing Nintendoland sometime soon.

In the mean time, I'll continue listening to this truly excellent Judas Priest record I'm currently enjoying and play a few old racing games like Enduro, Pole Position for Atari 2600 and Mario Kart 7.

Lord, PLEASE grant this man immortality so that he may never die... I NEED HIS GAMES!!!

- Lord Publius


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    1. Despite not having any Metroid titles, N64 was still a great system. You missed out by not getting one. Go to eBay, a garage sale or a pawn shop and correct that mistake. Trust me.

      Also, Samus may not have had a game on that system but, she did make an appearance as a playable character in the 1st Super Smash Bros. game. That might be worth checking out...

    2. This little editorial was good too...
