I found yet another BULLSHIT article trying to blame Autism on some kind of environmental factor. So, here we go again...
Article in question: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/18/autistic-children-gut-flora.aspx
"The possible environmental factors for autism are incredibly diverse and include factors such as vitamin D deficiency, electromagnetic fields, vaccines and mercury toxicity."
No, it is caused by abnormal genetics. Period. End of Discussion. Quit perpetrating this BULLSHIT on grieving parents just to sell them fake treatments and fancy snake oil remedies you sick, money-grubbing, degenerate bastards! These parents are already burdened enough and they don't need you trying to play to their strong emotions and taking advantage of them.
I swear that if I were God for a day, I would both invent an actual 'Fire and Brimstone Hell' and ensure that these sick bastards suffer the worst torments in that place!
"It’s widely known that autistic children often suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) problems, with those experiencing the worst GI problems often having the most severe cases of autism.
It’s now being suggested, however, that these GI problems may be a symptom of an underlying problem – abnormal gut flora that is not only causing the GI disturbances but also possibly the behavioral symptoms associated with autism."
Oh, really? How come I have never heard of any Autistics having stomach issues before now? I don't have any GI problems and those idjits that wrote the DSM-V decided to label me and all the other Aspies as a form of Autistic. Yet, I don't have any abnormalities with regard to my stomach. Hmmm... That's weird... [/Sarcasm]
"The research of Dr. Andrew Wakefield was among the first to uncover the connection between a gut problem, chronic bowel inflammation, possibly caused by the presence of MMR vaccine strain of measles in the digestive tract, and symptoms of regressive autism."
Speaking of a 'Special Hell' for these people, you can bet Wakefield will be their King.
This guy experimented on children WITHOUT ANY PARENTAL CONSENT at his child's birthday party. He was also being paid by a drug company to conduct this 'research' to supposedly prove Autism was caused by vaccines with a mercury preservative. That certainly sounds like a bias that will definitely taint the results of his 'study' THAT HE ILLEGALLY CONDUCTED ON CHILDREN.
"Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is a Russian neurologist who has successfully treated her own son and she treats children from all over the world in her English clinic. Her research shows there's a profound dynamic interaction between your gut, your brain, and your immune system.
She has developed what might be one of the most profoundly important treatment strategies for preventing autism, as well as a wide range of other neurological, psychological, and autoimmune disorders—all of which are heavily influenced by your gut health."
Another scam artist that's going to the Special Hell, I see...
The only way you will ever 'cure' Autism, Asperger's, PDD-NOS, et al. is by re-writing the patient's DNA and altering the physiological structure of their brain. That is not within our technological abilities.
Even if it were possible, chances are good that governments across the world would outlaw such a practice. That kind of genetic engineering can easily be perverted into something truly dreadful, like the Star Trek villain Khan Noonien Singh.
I do appreciate the sorrow of parents with a child that has Classical Autism. I know at least one family afflicted with this special burden. That being said, I just can't understand why these folks are so quick to believe that a common vaccine that apparently didn't harm all the other kids (assuming it actually did harm the Austistic kids) somehow made their child Autistic. Mercury does not work that way.
There was less Mercury in those vaccines (which were replaced with newer Mercury-free versions before this controversy even erupted in the late 1990's) than the amount you'd consume eating Fish for dinner. If there were enough Mercury in those shots to do any damage, it would just poison the patient. It would NOT re-write their DNA and alter the neurological wiring of their brain.
So, in conclusion...
1.) Ignore ANYTHING Jenny McCarthy says on this matter because she has no idea what she's talking about and is just letting a quack doctor manipulate her.
2.) Don't let your emotions drive you to the point of falling victim to Cognitive Dissonance. No one can say for sure what causes Autism, Asperger's, PDD-NOS or any similar conditions. The research is not finished yet but, signs are pointing to a genetic cause. It wasn't a shot. It wasn't something you ate during pregnancy. It's not lead-based paint or asbestos in an old house made before 1978. It was just random chance NOT operating in your favor.
3.) As for treatment for your child, I recommend finding a competent physician. Don't go looking for these Doctors claiming to have a cure. It's a virtual certainty that they are selling you crap.
4.) Always do your own research and make sure you know how to do proper research too. Never take what someone in the media (i.e. Jenny McCarthy) has to say on this matter as Gospel. Random websites are not likely to be reliable, either.
5.) Don't expose your kids to unnecessary health risks by refusing vaccinations. They are safe. They were safe when they still had Mercury in them. Andrew Wakefield is a quack/criminal and Jenny McCarthy is definitely no Rocket Scientist, either. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a Bullshit Artist that's lying through their teeth.
- Lord Publius
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