Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is this your jam?

The place where I work plays various Satellite Radio stations on the PA system. There's also this guy there (a mechanical contractor working for a company contracted to upgrade the HVAC systems) that constantly asks me if the song playing on the PA system at work is 'my jam.' Usually, I don't like or dislike the song. I simply just don't care about the kind of lame Pop music that SiriusXM usually plays on their '70's on 7' and '80's on 8' channels.

I'm not even sure that I would want to use the phrase 'my jam' or anything derivative of it since that little shit-stain Justin Bieber recently described a few old-school MetallicA songs as 'his jam' (as if that band didn't have enough issues with it's public image as of late...)  but, he keeps asking... Every damned day I see him... At least a hundred times... and he never gets the hint that he's being a pest. They could put on a Country station (bleech!) and he'd ask that damned question. Even after me answering him with something like 'Fuck no, I don't like this Hillbilly-fucking-your-sister-in-the-back-of-a-beat-up-old-Ford-truck-BULLSHIT', he still doesn't get the hint.

Anyway, the conversation with the contractor normally goes something like this...

Contractor: Is this your jam, *real name redacted*?

Me: No.

Contractor: Then, what do you actually like? You seem to know all the songs they play but not like any of them.

Me: The stuff I like is the stuff the company wouldn't have the balls to play on the PA system. The reason I know these songs is because I've heard them all a million times.

However, if he really must know, then here is something that could be considered 'my jam'...

Black Sabbath - God Is Dead?

Sorry you asked? :P


- Lord Publius

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