Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Things I want from the Nintendo Switch & its successor

Some of this is pretty obvious, but other things are not.

1.) Give users the ability to reorder games in the main menu.

Currently, games are organized in the order they are installed and/or last played. If you go to All Software, you can reorganize things in Alphabetical order or by publisher, last played or most played.  This became possible after Update 8.0 was released on 16 April 2019.

All of that is step in the right direction. However, having the ability to create folders and put the icons of the games in them (like I do with my 3ds) would also be helpful. Even if I can only do that with the digital download games, it would still clean up the menu a lot. Most of my Switch games are digital.

2.) Being able to move game data around...

Currently, I can't decide where the game is installed. I want the ability to decide if the game data should be installed/downloaded onto the system memory or the MicroSD card. That would make it possible or me to move the game data for Doom 2016 from my system memory to the MicroSD card. That game's data takes up a LOT of space, even when you do have the physical release copy instead of an eShop download.

3.) More classic games in the eShop.

Yes, I know that this is something that EVERYONE wants Nintendo to do, but it is worth mentioning again. The Switch is more than capable of running games from older systems, even in handheld mode. That's why Nintendo is re-releasing all those great games from the WiiU that never got a chance to shine on that poor-selling console.

There's no reason why Nintendo shouldn't be regularly putting games from the NES, SNES, N64, GameBoy, GameBoy Color & GameBoy Advance in the eShop for us to download. None of them take up much space on servers or an end-user's MicroSD card on their console. So, why aren't they being made available?

For that matter, why not make GameCube and Wii games available? Sure, the Wii games may be only playable in docked mode with the joy-cons serving as Wii-motes and Wii nunchucks. However, there's still a gold mine there. Why is Nintendo NOT exploiting this source of revenue? For that matter, why aren't there more 3rd-party companies re-releasing their back catalog this way?

4.) Different colors (or symbology) for the spines on the physical release titles to denote different game genres.

Nintendo had something similar to this with the NES when it first launched in 1985. The initial release games were all in black boxes and were included in a different series. Action series, Adventure series, Programmable series, Robot series, etc.

So far, all physical release games on the Switch have a red spine on the box. The LABO accessories for the Switch have a black spine. If I had my own company making a console, I'd mandate that there be different box colors for each genre of game, because that would make it easier for buyers to tell what kind of game they are about to purchase. It could also make a cool rainbow effect with the way the games look on an owner's shelf too, depending on how diverse the players tastes are in games.

Anyway, here's the color scheme I would use:

Action (which includes things from FPS to Platformers) - Green
Adventure - Yellow
Compilation/Miscellaneous - Black
Puzzle - White
Racing - Red
RPG/Strategy - Purple
Simulation - Blue
Sports - Orange

5.) My ideas for the Switch sequel console...

A.) The Switch sequel console being a combination of the Switch and 3DS

B.) Having a cable that can plug into a TV set's HDMI port so the games display on the TV and the system acts like a controller. This will make WiiU games even easier to port... Assuming that any of them are left to port at that time. At the current rate, Nintendo will have re-released the entire 1st party WiiU library before the Switch is discontinued. Many of them already have been ported to the Switch or the 3DS by now.

C.) Switching the controls around for left and right-handed players, like the Atari Lynx did. It's not a really big deal, but it would be something unique. No one has done this since the Lynx. A lot of left-handed players would be thankful for this feature.

- Lord Publius

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