Saturday, April 25, 2015

Response to 'Classified'

A British YouTuber named 'Sargon of Akkad', whom I find quite interesting, has a LOT of concerns about the American government. I don't blame him. I share those concerns. Here's the video where he expresses these concerns...

And my responses to his concerns...

1.) 'Mob rule' is what happens in a pure democracy, which is why we're a Constitutional Republic.

The Founders knew what kind of horrors that caused in Athens and Rome, which is why they decided on a Constitutional Republic instead.

2.) NO ONE should be taxed at all because taxation is theft.

Furthermore, the 16th Amendment, which made income taxes possible, should be repealed.

3.) Most police departments are being forced to take the military equipment, even when they don't want it... The Feds also make it difficult to send it back to the DOD as well.

4.) South Korea is not occupied by American forces. South Korea asked us to be there, just to make sue North Korea doesn't get too ambitious or stupid.

As a former Servicemember who served in South Korea, I can assure you that NONE of us actually want to be there. Chances are good we don't need to be, either. If they ask us to leave, we would. If China or North Korea started trouble, we would still have all our forces in Japan and various Pacific islands to stop them. As you pointed out, we do have enough military assets in EVERY region of the world to ensure that (at least on paper) no one can start very much trouble.

5.) The American people have no desire to take over the world.

I can't speak for the Shitbags that conned their way into office, though. There is no fathoming the heart of the Devil.

6.) Security clearances are common because you need them just to access a lot of government facilities, even if you're just a janitor. It does not necessarily mean that you have any kind of access to secret knowledge that can damage national security.

All that being said, what Manning and Snowden revealed was quite a surprise to anyone that wasn't paying attention. (i.e. Your average Joe.) The only part that surprised me was the item in the diplomatic cables that Manning released to Wikileaks concerning North Korea. Apparently, there were some communiques between the State Department and its opposite number in Beijing about North Korea's future. China apparently agreed in secret to let Pyongyang fall apart (as if anything can stop that now) and allow South Korea to absorb the North, allowing a Free World Constitutional Republic on its back door, if we increased our trade with them. I can't help but wonder how paranoid that made Kim Jong Il in his final days...

7.) We the American people are aware of these issues and are doing something about it right now. That's why the Libertarian party is gaining so much momentum.

8.) No true American Patriot would trust the government just because they said something is classified.

Personally, I wouldn't trust them if they told me the sky was blue. That attitude has only been reinforced by the things I bore witness to while I was in the Army. Their general incompetence is a lot more scary than any of their maliciousness, real or imagined. (I say 'imagined' because not every government employee is evil.)

9.) Who told you the government wouldn't massacre people? Ever heard of an American Indian?

Or Ruby Ridge? Or the Branch-Davidian complex in Waco, TX? They have massacred people rather frequently, and sometimes by accident.

10.) The Founders foresaw all of this too. That's why a right to bear arms was codified into law via the 2nd Amendment by President Washington and the 1st Congress.

If they get too far out of line, we the People start hunting down/shooting politicians. I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen much more often. Those bastards certainly do cause more than enough strife among the public. No, the military wouldn't necessarily protect those idiots in DC, either. Soldiers are citizens too. We are just as angry with our so-called Leaders as everyone else, if not much more. Speaking of which...

11.) I don't think you give American military personnel enough credit.

If some politician, member of the Joint Chiefs or General tried issuing illegal/immoral orders, those orders would be disobeyed. The politicians are only as strong as the number of men with guns willing to do their bidding and, it's not as many as you think. Even the Democrats I knew in the Army wouldn't blindly follow Obama's lead if he issued an illegal order, like deliberately attacking civilians.

12.) I think you are also giving too much credit to the Politicians and government employees of any kind.

As someone who worked for the federal agency that scares you the most, the Department of Defense, I can safely assure you that they will never conquer the world. Even if they tried, it would fail. The reason for this is because they are about as incompetent as you think they are malicious. Essentially, the one hand does not have any clue what the other 3 million are doing and they will screw up each other's plans and ambitions. I saw this virtually EVERY DAY that I was in the operational force.

I can even provide a good example: delivering mail. While I was in Korea, the mail office on my post was often closed, even during its stated regular business hours. And since internet access was so poor in that part of South Korea, I had no real way to keep in touch with the folks back home. That could've had a lot of truly dire consequences if my creditors didn't know that I was in the military.

Based on that experience (and a few others I would rather not discuss), I think many of the laws passed to protect soldiers from financial doom were passed simply to keep us from wanting to quit and move on to better jobs. It didn't work in my case. The financial headaches caused by the military lifestyle just made itself #14 on my list of 17 major reasons why I left the Army last year. If they can't even deliver mail promptly/accurately, then how are they going to handle the logistics in conquering/controlling the world?

I don't blame you for being worried, Sargon. We are all worried. And We the American People are on the case.

- Lord Publius

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