Thursday, April 23, 2015

Time to make some changes...

Since I'm not getting where I need/want to go in life, I am making a lot of changes. They include:

1.) Eventually starting my own business.

I want to stay in ONE place instead of constantly having to travel the world looking for a buck. Also, my current industry can get kinda boring at times. It doesn't leave me feeling too challenged or mentally engaged, either. The business plan is already in development and will be something unique in a relatively new type of industry.

Even if traveling makes more money than staying in one place, I don't care. I am more interested in being happy than fabulously rich. Money does not solve everything or buy genuine happiness. Putting down roots and establishing meaningful relationships does.

2.) Finding a way to get in better shape WITHOUT having to run.

Running just doesn't work for me. I have about 5 years of Army experience to verify this claim to me and probably a few APFT scorecards in storage somewhere if you want some kind of recorded proof.

3.) Getting a new social circle since most of my old friends have no time for me anymore.

They all have families to take care of and almost no spare time. That's not a surprise. I've seen it happen to my father too when I was a child. To this day, I have met very few of his friends from the time before he married my mother.

The elements of my old social circle that I have been spending time with as of late have often cancelled their plans with me in the last 2 or 3 months. That throws off my plans and wastes a lot of time and resources. That ends now. I'm not feeling valued or important to these people so, I will just go find a greener pasture. That doesn't mean that I won't talk to them anymore but, I am not going to chase them down to spend time with them, either. I shouldn't have to employ those kind of measures to maintain personal relationships of any kind.

And now, I think I'll go find something to watch on Netflix...

- Lord Publius

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