Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Game collecting misadventures in 2024

If you're reading this, then Congratulations. Something resembling Civilization has survived another year. I know, I'm surprised too. Thank God that Trump won

And now that I've chased off the weirdos and degenerates, let us continue with the gaming goodness. 😜

This post is going to do something different this year. Instead of links to relevant info on the game being directly under the pictures, I'm going to put them all at the end. That way, the post looks a little bit cleaner than it would otherwise.

2024 was quite different from 2023. Whereas last year was 'quantity over quality', this year was both quantity
AND quantity. Also, I didn't wipe out the long-tern debt that I was expecting to eliminate this year. Cost of living kept going up too much. Thank goodness that most of my game acquisitions this year were dirt cheap. Didn't start an Ebay store yet, either. However, I did put all the games that I plan to resell into my storage room. Baby steps, I guess...


2024 started off the same way 2023 ended: with me regularly checking on two different pawn shops near my job at an auto parts store. Managed to find some good things at those two shops in January & February. There were also a few hardware purchases that I wasn't planning on this year... and at least one that I did deliberately plan. How did the rest of the year go? Read on to find out...

Monday, December 23, 2024

Honda merging with Nissan and Mitsubishi? Maybe Renault too? LOL.

TAGLINE UNDER THE HEADLINE: "Mitsubishi is involved in the merger talks as well, but Nissan shareholder Renault figures to play a crucial role in how this all unfolds."

So, it would be Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi and (maybe) Renault all under the same corporate umbrella?

So, 1 company that was previously good and 3 that are absolute crap? 

FROM THE ARTICLE: "“Today marks a pivotal moment as we begin discussions on business integration that has the potential to shape our future,” said Nissan CEO Makoto Uchida. “If realized, I believe that by uniting the strengths of both companies, we can deliver unparalleled value to customers worldwide who appreciate our respective brands. Together, we can create a unique way for them to enjoy cars that neither company could achieve alone.”"

What exactly would Nissan be contributing to this partnership? Their product line is both unreliable and bland. Honda's product, while boring (to me) is at least (usually) reliable. What would Nissan be able to teach Honda? This seems more like Nissan trying to save their skin (again) with yet another strategic alliance. Bad idea for Honda.

FROM THE ARTICLE: "There aren’t yet any specific details of share ownership or transfers, nor is there word of how the companies will cooperate. Those are expected to come in time. However, both brands are floating the idea of standardizing vehicle platforms and powertrains, splitting R&D costs, and streamlining their supply chains, which we gained some insight into over the weekend."

Whatever happens here, Honda should take charge and ditch the CVT transmissions that ruined Nissan over the last 18 years. Don't use Nissan's electrical systems, either. They are known to have various gremlins in them.

FROM THE ARTICLE: "One of the main reasons for this merger seems to be electric vehicle development, specifically for the Chinese market, where Japanese car sales are down. Joining forces will allow Honda and Nissan to pool their resources, split development costs, and ideally offer more competitive, affordable EVs in China, the world’s biggest EV market."

Waste of time and money, even in China. The Media tried to get me to believe that EVs are becoming mainstream, especially in China. However, I know better. Most people in China are too poor to buy a bicycle, let alone a car. Also, EV tech is still years away from being practical/supported by adequate infrastructure ANYWHERE in the world. The sales for EVs are also way down here in America, the world's principal auto market. Focusing so much on EVs just seems like throwing good money after bad to me.

All that being said, since I hate Japanese cars anyway, I don't care if these companies ruin each other. I'm not about to interrupt my enemy while he's making a mistake. Go right ahead, Honda. Absorb those shit brands. Let them ruin you. GM & Ford will be laughing all the way to the bank with increased marketshare. Toyota, VW and (maybe) Stellantis too. 

And no, I am not worried about there being less choices in the marketplace for consumers. When one company goes away, another will take its place.

When Studabaker died, AMC took its place as the economy car company/foil and mortal enemy for MOPAR (esp. Plymouth and Dodge) in America.

When Packard died, Mercedes-Benz took over as a luxury brand competing with Detroit's luxury marques. (Cadillac, Lincoln and Imperial.) Ironically enough, it was Studabaker that helped MB get into the American market by convincing their dealer network to sell that product along with the Studabaker line. Studabaker knew they were dying a slow death and wanted to help their dealers stay in business. 

When AMC started struggling in the 1970s, that's when the Japanese came into the American market and took the small car segment for themselves.

When the Japanese cars stopped being affordable, the Koreans came in with Hyundai and KIA to be the new low-price leaders. Despite being absolute shit, they still sell quite well. Many folks just can't afford anything better. 

No matter what, the market will correct itself. And now, it looks like Honda is going to be the next victim of that harsh mistress called Macroeconomics. RIP Honda. You will be fondly remembered by many others and remembered by me as a formidable/respectable adversary to my preferred automotive brands.

- Lord Publius

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Random thoughts on society's attitudes about sex

1.) The sexual revolution of the 1960s was a mistake.

Along with whatever 'fun' or 'sexual freedom' it brought with it, it also brought increased rates for STDs, bastard children and broken homes. With Freedom comes responsibility. You will never truly be free without being responsible. 

And I'll bet that NONE of them stuck around to take care of their responsibility...

2.) Porn is disgusting and degenerate. 

You NEVER go ass-to-mouth. That is just not sanitary.

Such disgusting activities in these videos...

3.) Porn isn't very realistic, either. 

The rough sex that you frequently see in those videos is what's usually called 'Sport-Fucking': two (or more) people bumping uglies as hard as possible just to see who gets off first. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and guess that most guys couldn't win that game to save their lives. I'm sure it also hurts like hell after a while for all involved.

Don't watch that shit.

4.) Porn being 'celebrated' by various Academics in publicly funded California universities should also be a sign that Porn is definitely NOT a good thing... 

Thank God that I don't live
in that SHITHOLE of a state...

5.) Speaking of some porn stars being 'celebrated', it's a shame that this Angela White person decided to be a whore.

A good looking woman like that with those kind of curves could have made someone very happy by being a very well-loved, oversexed wife. I don't know who would marry her now. I sure wouldn't. And no, I am not going to post any pics of her here.

Just an example of why doing anything adjacent to porn
is also likely to be a bad idea...

6.) Women shouldn't be so 'libertine' with their sexual practices. It might arouse sexual interest in a man, but it won't help you get a ring and a new surname.

Lots of men might like using a slut for their own entertainment, but they'll never love them or marry them. Don't lie to me and say you don't want to get married one day, ladies. EVERYONE does. It's part of Human Nature. (And the nature of all K-Selected species.)

Should have been more careful with your life choices, honey...

7.) Generally speaking, Single mothers should be ashamed of themselves.

The only exceptions are women who didn't become a single mom by choice. That means widows and women having to divorce bad men. (Drunks, Drug addicts, unfaithful husbands, physical abusers, etc.)

Why should a single mom be ashamed? Because she most likely set up those kids for failure and created a myriad of social problems. CHILDREN NEED FATHERS. No matter how good of a mother you are, no woman can do what a father does. Men teach discipline and life skills to the children. Women teach love and social skills.

Even if the single mom in question does teach discipline and life skills, it's still not enough. The way a boy learns to be a man is by his father's example. The way a little girl learns what kind of man she should pursue for a husband is, again, by her father's example. This is why it's essential for women to get married to good men rather than going it alone.

You might be looking for a while... Nice tits, though.

8.) No, it's not okay for men to go around screwing whatever women they can, either.

I'm not pointing toward the speck in someone else's eye while ignoring the plank in my own. I can't even remember how many women I have turned down/rejected after they made various advances towards me. I don't like it when a woman acts like a whore.

Rushing into a sexual relationship is just not a good idea.

And no, it wouldn't matter if I found any of them attractive, either. Looking good on the outside is not as important as actually being good on the inside. And none of those girls were attractive on any level.

9.) We never should have become lenient towards the LGBT crowd. 

I won't bother going into further details on this since I already did so in a previous post. The only thing that 'Alternative lifestyles' breed is degeneracy and they just don't work.

How deluded by Satan do you have to be to think
that this kind of behavior is acceptable?

10.) Parents shouldn't be relying purely on Sex Ed in schools to teach their kids about this stuff.

Especially since schools these days have degenerate perverts for teachers that want to make kids some kind of LGBT person. It is always your responsibility to raise your own kids.

I have no words for this...

This 'thicketcrawl' person must be a Democrat...

Why are we letting these obviously disturbed people anywhere near children?
Was the weird, unnatural hair color not enough of a clue?

- Lord Publius

Saturday, May 20, 2023

11 random Autism questions that I found on social media

Found these online just now. Thought it would make a good, random post for this blog since it was originally started to discuss Autism issues.


1.) When you tell people you have autism, do many not believe you because they think autism is the disorder where people don’t know how to do anything and have to be supervised at all times?

Usually, the reaction I get is somewhere between 'Well that explains X about you' or 'I knew it! It had to be something like Asperger's. Nothing else fits!"

2.) Why is autism more prevalent today than it was in previous decades?

Better testing methods that are merely making it more visible. I don't know if there are any other factors. I am sure that the actual rate hasn't actually increased. Society has always had the 'weird kids' and 'lonesome stranger' in each generation. To me, it's a foregone conclusion that many (if not most) of them are all autistic on some level.

3.) Why do people make fun of Autism?

Because some people are assholes.

4.) What causes autism in adults?

The same thing that causes it in kids: genetics. The specific genetic triggers that cause 'Autism Spectrum Disorder' (or whatever it's called next week) are still not known or well-understood on any level.

5.) Is it OK to date someone with autism?


6.) What do humans with autism/Asperger’s dislike?

All the same things that you dislike most of the time. We also especially hate being 'Othered' by you Neuro-typicals. It's like all of you are the angry villagers with torches and pitchforks and we're (in your eyes at least) Frankenstein's Monster. 

Truth be told, some of us are more likely to be the Mad Scientist that created that monster. You Neuro-typicals benefit greatly from our 'monsters' too. Did you actually believe that it was Neuro-typicals that created the science, technology, engineering, mathematical principles and machinery that make modern civilization possible? I am inclined to doubt it...

7.) What is it like to fail the ‘Sally-Anne’ test? What is it about the test that leads (many) people with autism to answer 'Anne's box'? Why can people with autism not see that the answer is 'Sally's basket'?

Never heard of this test before. Don't particularly care, either.

8.) How can I help my daughter with autism to give up her stuffed toys? She is too old for them.

As I understand it, many Neuro-typical women keep their childhood toys well into adulthood as well. This may well be one of the more normal things that your autistic child does with her life. Focus on making her more sociable instead. That issue is much more important.

9.) What is love like for those with high-functioning autism?

Oftentimes very lonely, depressing and sad.

10.) Which essential oils are best for autism?

The only oils that I really consider essential are...

A.) The oil that I routinely sell in my auto parts store everyday. 
B.) The oils that I use for cooking meals. (Canola, Olive, etc.)

Beyond that, I don't even know what you mean by 'essential' oils. Do you mean those oils that a masseuse uses on their clients?

11.) What is the life expectancy of autistic people?

The same as Neuro-typicals. Autism is a different operating system for the brain, not something akin to brain cancer or a stroke. Quit treating us like we're sick. Start acting as mentors for us so we can learn to more successfully deal with this world that was clearly made for you NTs.

- Lord Publius

Thursday, March 16, 2023

What the Bible actually says about Homosexual Behavior

It's not a secret that we Christians don't like anything LGBT-Related. However, despite popular opinion being informed by Leftist Media (and morons calling themselves 'pastors'), we don't hate Homosexual people. It's the behavior that is detestable, not the people.

Man is incurably religious...

Also, keep in mind that this blog post is strictly for information purposes. I am not looking to wag the finger at anyone and tell them they're going to Hell. Jesus said that was a no-go. (See Matthew 7:1-5) ALL of us are prone to one sin or another and ALL sins are detestable in God's eyes. It's not a competition. All of them are equally bad.

And they will make even more sense as this post goes on...

That being said, the behavior being put on public display with these Homosexuals is rather disgusting and inappropriate. You wouldn't want to see me breeding with a woman in public. I don't want to see you cornholing your boyfriend at some parade, either. If you're going to live an 'alternate lifestyle', at least keep the seedier parts of it at home. Some things are best kept private.

We'll be discussing what this kind of degeneracy usually signifies as the post goes on,
especially when we start discussing a certain passage from the Letter to the Romans.

Anyway, now that we have the unofficial disclaimer out of the way, let's go over all the different passages from Scripture that informs the Judeo-Christian opinion about Homosexuals. All of these will be from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) because that is the English translation that is easiest to understand for modern audiences. The King James version may sound poetic and beautiful, but its word choices are often too archaic for a 21st century audience. What a shame...

North American Standard Bible

First, we'll look at 3 verses from the Mosaic Law in the Old Testament on this subject. These 3 are direct and very harsh. We'll discover why as this post goes on...

"You shall not sleep with a male as one sleeps with a female; it is an abomination."
- Leviticus 18:22 

"If there is a man who sleeps with a male as those who sleep with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they must be put to death. They have brought their own deaths upon themselves." - Leviticus 20:13

"A woman shall not wear a man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God." - Deuteronomy 22:5

Before anyone freaks out, just keep in mind that Death usually was the punishment for any kind of infraction against the Mosaic Law. Ancient societies saw people who refused to contribute to the gene pool as a mortal threat to their civilization. They killed them to make sure their ideas, attitudes & behaviors couldn't spread. Not sure how well that actually worked. You can't remove sin from Human nature just be executing a lawbreaker.

Fortunately, we Christians have a new, different covenant with God through Jesus where souls are saved by grace rather than strict adherence to the Law. Besides, no mortal human being could adhere to all 613 commandments in the Mosaic Law. God specifically set it up that way just to show us Humans that we do actually need him in our lives. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

About this Andrew Tate idiot and his sad attempts at trolling...

By now, I'm sure we've all become aware of this Andrew Tate person and his foolishness involving the law and trolling Greta Thunberg on Twitter. I won't go into any of the legal matters because it's still a case pending trial. We don't have a lot of facts available yet. However, there's still more than enough to dissect here.

If you've never heard of him before, you're not alone. Until recently, I hadn't either. There's no reason to think that I missed much. He's another of those 'Manosphere' people. You know the type: the folks that constantly complain about life and divorce laws being quite unfair to men, but never do anything to change the situation. These are also the same guys who say they can teach you how to be more masculine and deal with women. That does not compute

I have been seeing these Manosphere/'Red Pilled' types for years. I'll admit that they do have some legitimate points. Divorce and Child Custody laws are often extremely unfair to men. I could tell a few stories about at least two old acquaintances with some horror stories related to Family court. That includes one of them only managing to get custody of his two sons after his ex-wife became a severe drug addict. And even then, it took years of navigating through the court's bureaucratic non-sense. Those kids were in *actual danger*, but the court dragged their feet anyway. And this happens routinely enough for it to become a clichĂ©. Whisky Tango Foxtrot

All that being said, both of those old acquaintances will also admit something that the Manosphere types do not: They both freely admit that they picked the wrong woman. And that is one of the most important things that separates the men from the boys: A willingness to admit their mistakes and, where possible, try to correct them. How often do you see that out of these 'Alpha' types?

Anyway, let's go over the reasons why Andrew Tate as an individual is quite suspect in my mind...

1.) He's a pretty obvious grifter. To be completely honest, so are all the others like him.

For a monthly fee, you can take his online classes and he'll teach you how to act like a man. Or, so he claims on his website and social media channels. No thanks, Mr. Tate. My father (and quite crazy life experiences) did that quite well. I don't need some random stranger to give me that advice.

And yes, I know the people that fall sucker for this grift are often guys who grew up without fathers. Despite that, he's still NOT the guy to advise those men. They need a mentor who knows them personally in real life, a Non-Catholic* clergyman and/or possibly some assistance from a mental health professional. 

* = I say 'Non-Catholic' because Catholic Priests are required to be celibate. They typically won't have  any idea how men and women interact with each other in romantic relationships.

Compared to Tate and his ilk, your drinking buddy might be a MUCH better choice for a mentor.
I don't have any strong opinions on Jordan Peterson.

2.) His 'dating advice' is beyond ludicrous and contradictory.

Lots of cognitive dissonance going on here. He (rightfully) bemoans the fact that a lot of young women these days bought Feminism's lies and believe they can slut around without any consequences and still find husbands. I'm afraid not, ladies. However, in the same breath, Tate is telling guys to go out and bang as many broads as possible. It's not good for men to slut around either, dumbass. 

Also, how exactly does Tate and his ilk think that men are going to put (proverbial) notches in their belt if they aren't banging a few of those sluts? Did he not think this one through? Besides, the best sex is always with someone that you love and respect in a long-term relationship like a marriage. Why? Because that person is going to learn what you like over time and make sure you get it on a regular basis, assuming they care about you at all. That's even more of a good reason why it is essential to pick the right woman. There's few things in life that are worse than being married to an inconsiderate, ungrateful spouse.

Simply put, Men who are respectable and mature do NOT act like this Tate person. They're a lot more responsible. They don't typically act like snobbish, disrespectful assholes. They don't go after the kind of women that would put up with someone that behaves that way, either. Those broads are damaged goods. And that leads us to...

3.) He keeps pushing that 'Alpha male' stuff...

This whole Alpha/Beta/Sigma male stuff has to stop. They aren't real designations in ANY kind of real science or even a social science. You either act like a man or you don't. These people described as 'Alphas' are what in the real world we call 'Assholes' or 'Office Sociopaths'. They are NOT the people you want to be. No, it doesn't matter if they seem to have money, status or access to good looking women. I'll tell you why right now.

Money and status both tend to come and go. Chasing them is often useless and won't necessarily make you happy or feel fulfilled. While they can both solve some problems in life, they can also bring about many others. Just look up what happens to lottery winners that don't know how to handle the money. Or gangsters that assassinate the boss of their crime family and take over, only to find out why their former boss was always so cranky and difficult. Pursue various life goals, if you wish. However, don't waste your life chasing a Dollar. You'll just end up being the most miserable piece of shit in the world.

As for the women that seem to flock to these guys... Well, they probably aren't the ones you want to bring home to meet the folks for Sunday Dinner. They're either a gold-digger, psychologically damaged, emotionally needy or all of the above. No matter how good they look or how good they are in bed, they will still turn you off with their flawed personalities. Remember, they chased after the guy who acts like a douchebag. People, whether they realize it or not, almost always chase after people who are like them. Or, maybe just folks who they think are like them. That would explain all the crazy chicks that have chased after me over the years. 😜

Stay away from those girls, gentlemen. They are all damaged goods. If they weren't dating this 'Alpha male' asshole, they'd probably be working as some kind of hooker. (Stripper, Porn Star, OnlyFans model, Call Girl, etc.) Hell, they might still end up in that line of work with the 'Alpha' asshole acting as their pimp. It wouldn't surprise me. Didn't this Tate character run a camgirl site at one time? I could swear that I heard that somewhere...

4.) For such a 'Man's man', he certainly does a lot of childish things...

Trolling Greta Thunberg on Twitter by bragging about all the expensive cars that you own? What a poor troll... Not to mention VERY stupid to advertise one's wealth like that... Advertising your wealth is a great way to attract gold-diggers and all manner of thieves. Tate was just asking for trouble. A better troll would be something much more insulting and personal to the intended victim, like calling them out for being full of shit...
Mining tends to cause MUCH more ecological destruction/Human misery than drilling does.
Greta and her Malthusian Communist handlers don't seem to give a shit about that, though...

Or, you can be much more direct with your refutation of her non-sensical ideas...

AMERICA, Fuck Yeah!!!

Or, you can forget all of those half-hearted attempts to destroy her ideas through something resembling debate and just be an insulting prick...

Mr. Potato Head can do better...

Hell, you can even get somewhat pornographic about it, just for shock value...

Okay, who took one for the team and molested the potato?

Or, simply point out that someone out there already has gotten all pornographic with her in a way... *shudders*

What a waste of money, no matter what the doll looks/sounds like...

And no, I don't believe that Tate got arrested by the Romanian authorities because he talked smack to some autistic girl from Sweden. That is just plain stupid. Greta has no real power. She's just a puppet for varying different Globalists that are trying to use environmental hysteria to scare us into accepting Authoritarian regimes. If anything, she should probably be pitied. However, that won't stop me from posting memes about her. ALL public figures get the business. NO EXCEPTIONS.

In the exchange between Thunberg and Tate, the phrase 'small dick energy' was used. 
As one might expect, the internet used that to make fun of the situation.

Guessing that Tate was in Romania because of a pizza box in his video is also a bit ridiculous. That kind of Weaponized Autism is something only wielded by 4Chan. That 'den of internet faggotry' is more likely to use their awesome powers on Greta. Why? Because she's annoying and because they think it would be funny. Tate, however, probably wouldn't merit 4Chan's attention under ordinary circumstances. He's not quite enough of a douchebag to anger that particular 'Final Boss of the Internet'. How do I know? Because 4Chan already have done something like this with a MUCH bigger douchebag in 2017 when they were messing with Shia LeBouf. 

Shia tried to hide his stupid 'He Will Not Divide Us' flag in rural Tennessee and live stream it 24/7 on the internet. 4Chan had been messing with the previous iterations of the HWNDU 'art project' and he foolishly thought he could prevent that... Despite Shia's considerable efforts, 4Chan's users found the flag in 38 hours and 14 minutes, stole it and replaced it with a MAGA T-Shirt and Hat. Do any of you think that the winners of the best game of 'Capture the Flag' EVER are going to waste time on penny ante operators? Penny ante operators like Manosphere bloggers, Alpha morons and the Climate Goblin?

I sincerely doubt it... 

Might be funny if they did, though.

- Lord Publius