Monday, August 22, 2022

How to spot bad/low-value women...

To explain the title, 'low value' in this context means women with little or no value in the sexual marketplace. This doesn't necessarily refer to looks or body shape. That sort of thing is subjective and different people will be attracted to different things.

This will be split into 3 sections: 

  • NOT a good woman in General
  • Not a good woman for you in particular
  • MAJOR red flags that should make you run for the hills RIGHT NOW
If a woman has 1 or 2 of these traits, you may not have much to worry about. However, it depends on which of those 1 or 2 traits are being exhibited. If the woman has at least 5 of them, you need to remove that person from your life ASAP. No relationship with them, romantic or otherwise, will ever work.

As for the females in the audience, this isn't a personal attack against you. If you think it is, you may be exhibiting some of these traits. Get help to deal with them now before they end up ruining your life.

I take no pleasure in this task.

Also, I'm afraid I'm going to have to deflate the ego of some females out there. Some of you want to act like you're some highly desirable woman like a Supermodel or Hollywood Actress. You're not. You're a regular person like the rest of us. When you come back down to Earth, you'll have less trouble finding a good guy. Not all guys really care about models and actresses anyway...

RIP Kevin Samuels...

NOT a good woman in General.

1.) Lies to you to 'protect your feelings'. (Or any other reason.)

2.) She's a fake. (Fake public persona.)

3.) Very selfish.

4.) Insecure, displayed through entitlement or arrogance.

5.) No back bone. (Can lead to betrayal.)

6.) Relies on you for fulfillment and entertainment. (Will go looking elsewhere when she gets bored with you.)

7.) She's lazy about her health.

8.) Addicted to drama and conflict.

9.) Tries to win you over, even if she's not into you. (Leads to Hypergamy.)

10.) Try to limit your time with other people out of jealousy.

11.) Uses confrontations to keep things interesting, loves to fight.

12.) Chaotic and unpredictable in bad ways.

13.) Can't/won't control temper.

14.) Asks questions to use the info against you.

15.) Has no standards, but will use random standards to criticize you for perceived shortcomings.

16.) Never/Rarely initiates contact.

17.) Princess mentality.

18.) Discourages you from pursuing passions/hobbies.

19.) Tears you down.

20.) Bad relationship with family members.

21.) Only interested in sex if it gets her something she wants. (Digging for Gold and other forms of whoring.)

22.) Damsel in distress/emotionally damaged. She's not the Princess. You're not Super Mario. Quit trying to play Captain Save-A-Ho.


Not a good woman for you in particular.

1.) Values don't align. (Politics, Religion, Social values, etc.)

2.) Long-term goals don't align. (You want kids and she doesn't, et al.)

3.) She doesn't prioritize the relationship.

4.) Compares you to exes and/or her father when you make mistakes.

5.) Uses jealousy to keep you attracted to her.

6.) Never gives you credit for anything good.

7.) Her only good trait/value is looks and/or sex.

8.) Fighting with her more than anything else.

9.) Feeling awkward around her when you aren't having sex.

10.) Irritated by your flaws.

11.) Talking about the future and you're not in it...

12.) More afraid of being alone than feeling in love with her.

If this is how she makes you feel, it's time to leave.

MAJOR red flags that should make you run for the hills RIGHT NOW.

1.) You don't want to introduce her to your friends/family.

2.) Can't imagine her in your future/look forward to the breakup.

3.) Don't want to spend time with her unless there's sex involved.

4.) Keeping the door open for other women to come into your life.

5.) She brings out the worst in you.

6.) Feel depleted after being with her.

7.) You know you settled for less.

Some guys really need to work on their self-esteem.
No matter who they are, they deserve better than this...

- Lord Publius

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